What Business Podcasts Are And Why You Need Them


The term Podcast is a combination of two other terms, iPod and broadcast. The simplest definition of Podcasting is that it is a type of broadcast over the internet that can be downloaded and heard on an iPod. Not just on an iPod, but podcasts can be downloaded and heard even on a computer or laptop as long as you have some kind of music software installed on it.


History Of Podcasts


The concept of Podcasts first originated in the year 2000 and was proposed by Mr. Tristan Louis. It was further developed by Dave Winer who implemented the concept (albeit a little differently from what was proposed by Tristan Louis) in 2000. Further development of the concept led to syndication of audio files being added to podcasts and in June 2003, Stephen Downes was the first person who demonstrated this.


How Podcasts Differ From Audio Files


The main difference between a Podcast and an MP3 audio file lies in RSS and syndication. While audio files have to be searched and then downloaded for listening, podcasts come to you directly through syndication. You have to subscribe to a podcast and once you do, you can set it up in a manner that all new content is downloaded directly to your computer or your portable music player, which you can then listen to in a time-shifted manner (whenever you want to).


Types Of Podcasts


Originally, podcasts referred to bradcasting of only audio files over the internet. However, today not just audio, but video files can also be presented over the internet using podcasting. Thus, the two different types of podcasts available nowadays are Audio Podcasts and Video Podcasts (which you can see as well as listen to).


Why You Need Business Podcasts


With podcasts relating to your business or products, you can reach a far greater audience than you would through other media. Not just local, but you can reach a global audience very easily as well. Thus, you can achieve greater exposure of your products and increase your sales significantly with business podcasts.